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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saving Money---Intermission!

Let's take a break from saving money to focus on a cool website to help you earn some FREE money!

Swagbucks! Seriously, sign up for this site right away! I have made $85 in Amazon gift cards through this site. It is a websearch and toolbar that gives you points for searching online. I earn about 25-35 points a day, and 450 points is a $5 Amazon gift card. I have made it my home page and have installed the toolbar, and when I want to go to a website I just do a search for it rather than type in the url. There are a ton of prize selections on the site and you also get points for any referrals (1 point for each of theirs up to 1000). You can also earn points by watching videos, doing polls, or completing offers; but I don't have time to sit and do all of that and the search toolbar works good enough for me.
Click on the banner below to start now!
Search & Win


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